What does ‘Broad Spectrum’ mean?

Quick answer

Broad spectrum, unlike CBD isolate, contains the full spectrum of natural cannabinoids found in hemp apart from THC.

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The hemp plant contains over 100 cannabinoids, only two of which are CBD and THC. The rest are thought to hold their own benefits and increase the impact of CBD, especially when taken in the natural ratios in which they are found in the hemp plant, something known as ‘the entourage effect’.

When a CBD product is ‘broad spectrum’ it means that the whole host of cannabinoids are present, meaning users of that CBD product can benefit from increased effectiveness caused by the entourage effect. The difference between ‘broad’ and ‘full’ is that in broad spectrum the psychoactive THC component has been taken out.

Similarly if you see a CBD oil product that isn’t labelled as full or broad spectrum CBD oil, it likely means the product contains only CBD, isolated from the rest of the cannabinoids. This is thought to be considerably less beneficial.

Whilst CBD on its own has its benefits, the presence of all cannabinoids within the full spectrum product ensures optimum effect.

To learn more about broad spectrum and the entourage effect, click here: 


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